How Data is Transforming Decision Making

Today, data is not only shaping the industry but also driving more informed decisions, increasing efficiency and delivering greater value to clients.

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The Future of ESG: What Is the Role of Plant-Based Places?
Sustainable green building

The Future of ESG: What Is the Role of Plant-Based Places?

This series has focused on the emerging concept of plant-based places, one that is gathering more interest in the industry. We have shown that a drive for net zero carbon and healthy environments has bolstered the choice of bio-based materials. Forthcoming regulation and innovative natural products are reinforcing this trend.

Richard Francis

By Richard Francis

See all Plant-Based Places
Net Zero and the Built Environment: Where Does It Go From Here?
Balconies with green planting

Net Zero and the Built Environment: Where Does It Go From Here?

It is hard to underestimate the changes we have seen in the last five years with the creation of net zero carbon frameworks and the growth of ESG. Arising at the same time, net zero carbon and ESG more broadly have begun to fundamentally alter the construction and operation of buildings.

Richard Francis

By Richard Francis

See all Carbon Strategy Series
Revisited: Mass Timber Commercial Developments – What do you need to know?
Forest with sunlight through the trees

Revisited: Mass Timber Commercial Developments – What do you need to know?

There has been a significant increase in interest for using mass timber within construction projects across the UK over the last few years. A combination of the UK Government’s net zero 2050 target, growing concern about the global climate crisis and people’s attitudes towards the spaces they live and work in has created a substantial shift in demand.

Michael Urie

By Michael Urie

See all Mass Timber Series
How to plan and prepare for an AI project
Man seated at computer looking at screen

How to plan and prepare for an AI project

In this fifth article in G&T’s series on Artificial Intelligence (AI) in construction, we consider how to plan and prepare for AI-based technologies. The article outlines the phases a typical AI project might follow, with a particular focus on what steps need to be taken prior to the deployment of AI solutions (addressing issues such as data discontinuity, inconsistency and inaccuracy). Finally, we look at what one London-based tech start-up is doing to de-risk construction programme schedules using Deep Learning AI models.

Michael Urie

By Michael Urie

See all Artificial Intelligence