The Future of Building: Modern Methods of Construction

Early engagement, integrated supply chains and having an ‘MMC mindset’ are key considerations when thinking about using modern methods of construction (MMC).

After hosting a series of panel discussions with experts from across the supply chain G&T’s MMC team discovered what you need to know before taking on these innovative approaches to construction.

Download our MMC whitepaper to find out more.

“The term ‘modern methods of construction’ (MMC) has become synonymous with innovative ways of building”

MMC uses a wide range of techniques and materials with the aim of minimising the amount of time required to construct a building, while maximising the efficiency of both material and human resources, therefore improving quality, health and safety and sustainability.

Discussions focussed on the barriers to greater uptake, what can be done to help the industry better understand these new building techniques and how we can unlock the true potential of MMC within the built environment.

The series noted key considerations for mitigating against onsite challenges and how to ensure maximum value when Designing for Manufacture and Assembly (DfMA), with the impact that taking an alternative procurement route can have on the programme of a development.

Check out the full series and watch the webinars to find out more.

We’d like to thank everyone who contributed to this series, especially our panellists: Akerlof, Binderholz, Bryden Wood, ESS, Gallagher, HTA Design Ltd, JRL Caledonian Modular, Laing O’Rourke, Landsec, Mace, Modulous, Planning Potential, Pollard Thomas Edwards, Ramboll, The City of London, Tide Construction and TopHat.