Net Zero Carbon

Materials matter: How are advancements in low-carbon construction products driving the net zero agenda?

Materials matter: How are advancements in low-carbon construction products driving the net zero agenda?

G&T’s sustainability consultant, Richard Francis, recently took part in Assemble Media Group’s (AMG) webinar Materials Matter: How are advancements in low-carbon construction products driving the net zero agenda? as part of its Net Zero Live programme.

Richard Francis

By Richard Francis

Data Centres and Sustainability: How Can We Balance Demand with Environmental Targets?
Data centre room

Data Centres and Sustainability: How Can We Balance Demand with Environmental Targets?

In continuation of G&T's commitment to Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG), we collaborated with Bisnow to host the webinar 'Data Centres and Sustainability: Balancing Demand with Environmental Targets'.

Adam Thurley

By Adam Thurley

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