Following the success of the mass timber office forum, G&T has launched a new series of panel discussions to unlock the potential of using modern methods of construction (MMC) within construction projects.

The three-part webinar series hosted by G&T partners Matt Holman and Oliver Booth will bring together experts from across the supply chain including the City of London, TopHat, Laing O’Rourke, Ramboll, Landsec and many more, to debate the challenges and opportunities found when using MMC.

Further topics covered in the series include key design considerations, planning, procurement, offsite manufacturing, and onsite buildability.

“Understanding MMC and opportunities that can be created by using these methods within construction is going to be vital for helping the industry tackle its future challenges. Whether it’s the skills shortage or the drive towards net zero carbon, this series will bring together experts from across the supply chain to unlock its potential.”

— Matt Holman, G&T Board Partner and MMC Series Host

In the first discussion of the series, the audience voted on what they perceived to be the biggest challenges and opportunities when implementing MMC within their construction projects (as shown in the diagram below). The following sessions will look to break down these perceptions and highlight the true value and key considerations the industry needs to be aware of to benefit from the potential of these new technologies.

Answers to question one in a bar graph
Answers to question 2 in a pie chart

Learnings from these discussions will be collated and released as a summary whitepaper later this year.

The next panel discussion will take place on Tuesday 19th July. If you want to find out more about this series or would like to sign up to attend these webinar discussions – please get in touch with the team today.

This series follows the groundbreaking Mass Timber Office Forum, which discussed and debated the key considerations when using mass timber within commercial office developments. Bringing together over 60 experts across 10 panel discussions, this series covered key topics such as insurance challenges, fire and building control, the supply chain and manufacturing processes as well as design and sustainability.

To find out more read our whitepaper, visit the collection or watch the recordings on our YouTube channel.