Capacity constraints pose risks to pricing levels

Our Market Update for Q3 2024 is now available! Watch our latest film to discover this quarter's highlights. As interest rate cuts and anticipated planning reforms spark hopes for a construction revival, will inflationary pressures resurface and how will contractor capacity constraints restrict future workload growth?

In this report you'll discover:

  • An overview of the UK economic landscape
  • The impact of the current construction market on materials and labour
  • Trends in energy, trades and transport
  • The impact of construction insolvencies, procurement trends and new Government
  • Our latest Tender Price Indicator headlines

Download and read the full report.

G&T’s Market Update provides an overview of the UK construction market, including changes to key macro-economic indicators as well as construction-specific metrics such as construction output, new orders and key material costs. Our forecasts are based on quarterly industry surveys and regular discussions with the supply chain.

If you'd be interested in a market briefing from one of our teams or want to find out more about our Market Update Q3 - get in touch with your G&T expert or contact us today.